
Transform Your Real Estate Assets with Augustus Capital Corporation’s Sale & Leaseback Solutions

May 29, 2024

Blog > Transform Your Real Estate Assets with Augustus Capital Corporation’s Sale & Leaseback Solutions

May 29, 2024

In the ever-evolving business landscape, maintaining financial health is crucial. One innovative strategy to enhance liquidity and operational control is through a sale & leaseback transaction. This economic solution involves selling owned property to an investor, represented by Augustus Capital Corporation, and leasing it back under specified terms. Here is how Augustus Capital Corporation can help your business thrive:

Benefits of Sale & Leaseback with Augustus Capital Corporation

  1. Improve Cash Flow: Converting owned real estate into immediate working capital boosts liquidity, allowing businesses to fund growth, reduce debt, or invest in critical areas without disrupting operations.
  2. Enhance Balance Sheets: By turning fixed assets into liquid assets, businesses can improve their debt-to-equity ratio and overall financial stability, making them more attractive to investors and lenders.
  3. Reduce Real Estate Ownership Costs: By utilizing a sale & leaseback service, you can diminish the capital outlay needed. Compared to Wall Street, you’ll be paying substantially less. This reduces the capital and cash required to service that capital within the initial ten years of the lease.
  4. Extract Liquidity from Dormant Assets: Unlock the value of dormant real estate assets, converting them into cash that can be strategically utilized.
  5. Retain Control and Reclaim Assets at a Substantial Discount: Businesses maintain operational control over the property and retain the option to recapture the asset at the lease term’s conclusion, ensuring long-term flexibility.

Why Choose Augustus Capital Corporation?

The leadership team of Augustus Capital Corporation boasts a track record of success with esteemed companies such as:

  • IBM
  • United Technologies
  • Georgia Power
  • American Electric Power
  • Arkansas Power and Light
  • Pacific Gas and Electric
  • First City Bank
  • Walmart
  • SafeWay
  • Albertsons
  • Digiorgio
  • Toys R Us
  • Sears
  • K-Mart
  • Idaho Power and Light

Augustus Capital Corporation provides expert guidance, flexible lease terms, and a long-term partnership to help businesses maximize their real estate assets. With a deep understanding of the market, Augustus ensures each sale & leaseback arrangement aligns with your financial goals.
A sale & leaseback with Augustus Capital Corporation offers a strategic way to improve cash flow, enhance balance sheets, reduce costs, and maintain control over critical assets. Unlock the potential of your real estate today. Contact Augustus Capital Corporation to learn more about our innovative financial solutions.

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